9 FAQs About Group Strength Training

9 FAQs About Group Strength Training

Working out consistently takes discipline, persistence, and commitment. Staying physically active can be tough, but research has shown that working out with a buddy—or training in a group—can have great benefits. According to the CDC, working out with a partner can...
A Beginner’s Guide To Athlete Performance Training

A Beginner’s Guide To Athlete Performance Training

The very best professional athletes tend to follow disciplined training routines that keep them in top condition for performance during competition. As a four-time NBA champion, a two-time NBA MVP and masterful shooter, Steph Curry is an athlete who knows a lot about...
How Cupping Benefits Your Physical Therapy

How Cupping Benefits Your Physical Therapy

Get a massage. Stretch. Sit in the sauna. Dunk in a cold tub. Hydrate. Repeat the cycle of rest, ice, compression, and elevation. There are so many different treatments that athletes can incorporate into their routines for healing. Dry needling and cupping are also...