How To Improve Your ACL Rehab

How To Improve Your ACL Rehab

Sometimes, we take for granted the simple movements our body does on a daily basis like the bending and straightening of our legs. The hinge joint in our knee that allows for this motion is quite a complex body part, with ligaments and bones keeping it in place. This...
9 FAQs About BFR Training

9 FAQs About BFR Training

If you’re into fitness, you might be aware of the trends and mainstays of the workout world. Yoga has been around for thousands of years and is beneficial for both flexibility and strength. HIIT (high intensity interval training) is a great way to get a cardiovascular...
11 Things You Should Expect From Athlete Evaluations

11 Things You Should Expect From Athlete Evaluations

In the world of professional and collegiate sports, some players will forever stand out as legends. From 1982 to 1994, Bo Jackson was an elite college and professional athlete in track, football, and baseball. When he was a freshman at Auburn, Jackson pulled off an...
The Freshman’s Guide To College Athlete Training

The Freshman’s Guide To College Athlete Training

According to the NCAA, almost 500,000 college athletes are members of the nearly 20,000 collegiate teams in the United States. There are 24 sports in the NCAA, and truly, playing at the college level is a big deal. While we see many young athletes gear up for playing...