What’s Different About The Best Athletic Training Programs

Aug 25, 2023

When athletes train hard, practice frequently, and compete with maximum effort, chances are that at some point, they’re going to need the services of an athletic trainer. When you’re watching sports, and play stops for an injury on the field, who is running out to help? Trainers. 

From youth leagues to high school and college sports, to professional teams, athletic trainers have emerged a vital part of sports and athletic success at all levels. Injuries happen; emergencies can occur on the field. It is so wise to have a prepared, professional athletic trainer present and ready to help during sports events. Read on to learn more about what’s different about the best athletic training programs. 

Preventive care is key. Athletic training shouldn’t be considered only for those times when a player faces an injury or emergency. The best athletic training programs take action before any issues occur by focusing on injury prevention. Trainers can work with athletes on stretches, warm-ups, and exercises that are sport-specific and geared for peak performance.  

Thorough and thoughtful. The very best trainers work with athletes closely, communicating well through the processes of examination and diagnosis, and throughout rehab and recovery as well. Comprehensive examinations for athletes can help to diagnose and treat problems that affect an athlete before they cause bigger problems during their sport’s season. 

Treatment and rehabilitation are tailored. The best athletic training programs focus on the specific needs of each athlete. Not every athlete trains the same way when you work with the best athletic training programs. Exercises and therapies are designed for the individual—not a one-size fits all approach.

Considerate of chronic conditions. Taking into account athletes’ history, chronic injuries, and any medical conditions can truly help trainers to do their best work. 

Hands on help. Athletic training programs help athletes by having a great understanding of the human body and how to help it heal and perform well. The training program at ROI offers first aid and wound care as well as other beneficial implementations like athletic taping, bracing, concussion evaluation, and cryotherapy. 

Not just physical. An integrated approach to athletic training can yield great results for athletes. At ROI, the skills and expertise of an athletic trainer are highlighted by the help of physical therapists, exercise physiologists, strength and conditioning coaches, and registered dietitians. This holistic approach accounts for the whole athlete, making the benefits of athletic training even better. 

Experts in emergency care. The best athletic training programs offer capable, quality emergency care. Athletic trainers can determine the level of emergency care needed when an issue occurs. They are also skilled at administering appropriate emergency response care such as CPR, AED, splints, bleeding control, and body temperature control. The best trainers are skilled in coordinating emergency medical services if needed; they can be strong athlete advocates as well. 

Well educated and experienced. Top tier athletic training programs have professional trainers who have worked hard to serve athletes well. At ROI, the athletic training team features a functional range conditioning mobility specialist who is also a board certified athletic trainer and a certified strength and conditioning coach. All of this education comes with a lot of professional and collegiate sports experience that help athletes to reach their best performance level.

A sense of safety and security. Having a great athletic training service on-hand means prioritizing athlete safety and well-being. In addition to being ready for injuries and other emergencies, evaluating environmental factors like heat, lightning, or other dangerous weather conditions and their effects on athletes is another key aspect of athletic training.

The right way to return to play. Trainers want to help keep athletes active and in the game. Good coaches and athletic trainers will work together to make sure an athlete is returning to play in the best health possible. The best athletic training programs focus on communicating an athlete’s condition, limitations, and modifications (if any) once they are cleared to play their sport again.

The team at ROI has one of the best athletic training programs. ROI offers athletic training and sports medicine services for games, camps, practices, and tournaments. Having a trainer on site at your athletic events can relieve the pressure of facing and handling serious injuries, medical emergencies, or environmental issues. A trainer’s services can help to keep athletes safe and performing at their best level. 

Are you looking for an elite athletic training program? Reach out to the team at ROI by calling 512-962-9141. To learn more about the athletic training program or any of the great physical therapy and sports performance services offered by ROI, visit our website

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