person wrapping their hands

High-performing athletes demand a lot from their bodies, and those demands can often result in injuries. Even athletes who do everything right, from eating healthy to ensuring proper form, can sustain unexpected sports injuries. 

Whether minor or serious, an injury is devastating for any athlete, and many are left wondering whether they could have prevented it. While there’s no guaranteed way to prevent injuries from occurring, consulting a physical therapist can help you understand whether you might be prone to a certain type of injury, as well as equip you with the knowledge and techniques to decrease your risk of getting injured. 

What Is a Sports Injury Risk Assessment?

Our sports injury risk assessment is for non-injured athletes who want to understand their biomechanical risk factors and prevent injuries that could take them off the field, court, or track for extended periods of time. The goal is to identify movement dysfunction and limitations before they become a problem and create challenges in your athletic career. During an injury risk assessment, our team at ROI will perform a comprehensive evaluation to understand your unique risks and develop an individualized program that focuses on your specific areas of need. We analyze factors such as medical history, agility, strength, flexibility, power, reflexes, and control to customize mitigation strategies that will keep you healthy and performing at high levels.

How Much Does an Injury Risk Assessment Cost?

Our injury risk assessment costs $200 and is ideal for athletes who want to decrease their risk of sports injuries or want to prevent re-injury. 

How Can Team ROI Help?

Managing athletes’ risk of injury is one of many services that we provide. The team at ROI promotes a holistic, proactive, and science-centered approach to health. Our physical therapists, strength and conditioning coaches, and exercise physiologists not only treat injuries, but also analyze your movements to anticipate and help to prevent them by correcting movement patterns that put you at risk. Our expert physical therapists offer pre-op rehab, post-op rehab, return to sport testing, and manual therapy. Our one-on-one services mean that you receive the maximum benefit from your sessions with our skilled team members, and our state-of-the-art facility sets athletes up for success, no matter what they come in looking to accomplish. We also offer nutrition services from a registered dietician, so that athletes can improve not only their techniques and fitness, but their lifestyles as well. 

While many injuries, especially acute ones, are unforeseeable and unpreventable, many types of injuries — especially those associated with repetitive movement or sub-optimal form — can be anticipated and avoided. At ROI, we understand the stakes for athletes and the importance of using whatever resources are available to stay healthy and uninjured.  Regardless of whether you’re currently in on-season, off-season, or pre-season, our sports injury risk assessment is a great way to make sure you are fully prepared to handle all the physical demands of your sport! Schedule a physical therapy evaluation today or contact us to set up a sports injury risk assessment.